ACE Lessons

The lessons consist of exercises that build fluency and develop student confidence. There is a lot of repetition to help students master correct pronunciation and internalize the grammar of the new language they are studying. All the exercises are in English only. It is important that the students remain immersed in the language they are studying.
Visual Exercises
There are two types of exercises. One uses visual cues to generate speech. Sets of images are shown three times in an exercise. The first time the student is encouraged to listen and absorb the words. Text accompanies the audio to reinforce spelling and grammar. The second time the students are asked to repeat the sentences they hear. They then hear the correct response. The third time the students are expected to generate the sentences themselves, followed by the correct response. Here is a brief example.

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These GIF images do not have sound attached. Click below to view the full lesson with sound.
Audio Exercises
The other kind of exercise uses audio cues to help students generate speech. Students repeat the leading sentence, then are given audio cues to modify the sentences. The correct response always comes after the students’ answers so they learn to self-correct and develop confidence. Here is an example: (The GIF images do not have sound attached. Click on the GIF to view the full lesson with sound)
Prepositions of Motion
Here is an example of a series of visual exercises from Lesson 26 (about a quarter of the way through the course). Students first become familiar with sentences, listening, repeating and finally saying the sentences themselves.

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Answering Questions
Students become familiar with the images and then the same images are used to teach questions.
Answering Questions
The next exercise asks the student to answer two different questions about each of the images.

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These GIF images do not have sound attached.
Making Statements
Students make complete sentences about the pictures.
Making Questions
Students are prompted to make questions about the images.

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These GIF images do not have sound attached. Click below to view the full lesson with sound.
More Advanced Lessons
The lessons gradually increase in complexity and build student confidence and fluency. Here are some exercises from later lessons.
More Advanced Lessons
The lessons gradually increase in complexity and build student confidence and fluency. Here are some exercises from later lessons.

These GIF images do not have sound attached. Click below to view the full lesson with sound.

These GIF images do not have sound attached. Click below to view the full lesson with sound.
More Advanced Lessons
The lessons gradually increase in complexity and build student confidence and fluency. Here are some exercises from later lessons.
The ACE English Box
Learning a language always includes a cultural component. These lessons introduce students to common English names, common activities and common foods. The audio uses a range of voices, both Western and Indian, to familiarize students with different accents and styles of speaking.
The exercises play on a television in the classroom and students participate in them as a group. The group response fits nicely into the classroom learning style in Indian schools. There is no need for costly language labs or individual devices for students or for an internet connection.
Songs are an enjoyable way for students to practice English. For young learners there are 25 original songs available. And pair work practice is also important to develop fluency and confidence in speaking. There are 160 pair work exercises that encourage students to practice language structures they have just learned with each other. Teachers can use the ‘User Configuration’ button on the main menu to select which element, songs or pair work, will end a lesson. The main menu also has a list of individual songs or pair work exercises that teachers can choose directly.
The lessons are approximately 15 minutes long. This structure allows teachers a great deal of flexibility in planning a class. A single lesson can fit into a normal English class allowing for other elements of the curriculum. Or, for an accelerated class, two lessons can be played back to back. Every two lessons are followed by a review lessons that incorporates exercises from the previous two lessons. If a teacher feels that the students are finding early lessons too easy they can skip the review lessons until the students begin to find the material more challenging. Similarly, if students are struggling with the content of a lesson, the teacher can replay the lesson or selected exercises to make sure the students master them.