Teacher's Assistant
The ACE English Box is a carefully designed program that provides any English teacher with a ready made curriculum, an extensive set of spoken English drills and exercises, and the ability to play native speaker voices in the clasroom.
There are 150 lessons of 15-minute duration that build fluency and develop students' confidence along with a series of well loved songs for younger students and a series of pair work exercises that encourage older students to speak actively in class.
The program is effective, flexible and very affordable. Parents, teachers and students love it. It is suitable for students in both English Medium and Vernacular Medium Schools. The exercises support and enhance any existing English program that a school may be using.
Confidence Builder

Develops Fluency
Native or natural speakers of English narrate the exercises, modelling natural speech patterns. Carefully constructed drills build fluency and allow students to practice using the language, gaining confidence in understanding and speaking English.

Provides Practice
Our program carefully builds an English language foundation that motivated students can expand on. Exercises and drills encourage quick and confident responses as students internalize natural grammar and develop fluid speech patterns. Pair work drills have students actively speaking English to each other in class.

Supports teachers
Our program is a useful tool for an experienced teacher but it can also function as a stand-alone curriculum where experienced teachers are not available. Regular reviews of previous lessons ensure students absorb the material and learners get immediate feedback as to thier responses and performance.

Range of levels
Starting from an easy-to-follow basic level, the exercises gradually build in complexity. There are a total of 150 segments, each 15 minutes long and designed to fit into a normal English class. For accelerated programs, the segments can be run back-to-back.
the importance of practice
Learning a new language takes serious effort and requires an effective curriculum. To master any language, students must immerse themselves in it. They must hear it spoken clearly and naturally by native speakers. They must speak the language themselves, getting accustomed to the rhythms and cadence. They must internalize the grammar and develop natural speech without translation from their mother tongue. Most importantly, they must practice, practice, and practice.
The ACE English Box provides the practice, along with a set of lessons gradually increasing in complexity, that builds student confidence and helps them internalize English grammar.
And it works. In field trials in Indian schools we have witnessed both students and teachers embrace the program. The students love the challenge and learning opportunities the drills offer. Within a short period of time we have seen students begin to self-correct their English speech, reduce their Mother Tongue Influence, and use English more freely with confidence. We have also seen teachers appreciate the support the program gives them and the flexibility they have using it.
two versions of the program
The value is in the simplicity. There are no books to buy, no recurring fees, no training needed, and no internet required. The program takes a great load off of teachers while giving the students a chance to hear and speak English while building competence and fluency. Its fun. Its effective. It works.
We offer a full service program that supports teachers in the classroom and provides students with an interesting and confidence building set of exercises.
We have two versions of the program – one is on a USB that plugs into any Windows computer and another is a stand alone version loaded onto a Raspberry Pi computer. The USB version is an economical choice for educational settings equiped with a computer or projection system. The Raspberry Pi version is for environments that require a computer.
the USB version
Rs. 9,900
(US$ 125)
The USB version plugs into a computer with a Windows operating system. It is a full version of the program and includes 150 lessons, 25 original songs, and 150 pair work excercises.
It is best suited for schools with existing computer based audio-visual programs. It comes with a one year mail-in replacement warrantee. We ship within India for free.

The ACE USB Stick
the Raspberry Pi version
Rs. 19,900
(us$ 250)
The Raspberry Pi version comes with a Raspberry Pi mini computer, power supply, mouse and HDMI cable to connect to a monitor or television (which we do not supply.) It is best suited for a school with no existing computer based audio-visual system.
The 16 GB memory chip containing the full program comes with a one year mail-in replacement warrantee for the chip. We ship within India for free.

The Raspberry Pi Kit
The ACE English Box program can be adjusted to suit any level of student and any school schedule.

Project Head



Production Head

The ace english box works!
Here are some of the people that found the ACE English Box extremely useful!
Kodaikanal International School, located in Tamilnadu, is using the ACE English Box in a extensive program to improve the quality of teaching and expand the educational facilities of rural and tribal schools in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu. Spoken English teaching in rural schools is difficult because of a lack of skilled and trained teachers fluent in English. The ACE English Box supports teachers with drills and exercises by natural English speakers.
MRF Tires has launched spoken English classes centered on the ACE English Box lessons for their staff at various factories in India. The ACE English Box program provides a full syllabus and graduated levels of lessons as well as exposure to natural spoken English.
Even colleges have found that the ACE English Box program has helped students improve thier speaking skills as well as improve fluency and pronunciation.
The Overseas School of Colombo (OSC) in Sri Lanka is using the ACE Box with an outreach program involving a local school. Students from OSC find the structure of the ACE Box very helpful in their work with the local school students. It saves hours of lesson planning and provides a curriculum that increases in complexity as the local students gain fluency. A few weekis into the program the local students started using English more comfortably.
A diverse group of NGOs focusing on education for children and adults have found the ACE English Box very useful in allowing them to provide a high quality of lessons even when professional English teachers were not available. Students find the program useful and entertaining. Teachers appreciate the support from drills and exercisesas well as the ready made curriculum the ACE English Box provides.